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Armed response in 20 seconds.
Seconds count.

What is a Sublethal Remote Gun?

We manufacture Remote Guns, which are non-lethal devices that are installed at client's premises. The Remote Guns are controlled by the client's cellphone or the client's security company control room. When needed, the Remote Gun can be used to fire a warning shot, or if necessary, to shoot an intruder with a 17mm (0.68cal) nylon bullet which is similar to rubber bullets used by the South African Police Service in riot control.

Why a Remote Gun, why not a security guard?

Security guards are useful in many security situations but not all. Upgrading a security guard to a Remote Gun may be recommended in these scenarios:

Way forward

  1. Assess the best location for a Remote Gun

  2. Decide who is going to control and fire the Remote Gun: an individual or a Security Company control room.

  3. Contact us for availability.

Response time of 20 seconds?

Yes, the weapon takes 4 seconds to arm. A typical control room will take 20 seconds from the time they receive a remote alarm signal to the time that the weapon is armed and ready for action. The fastest armed response will react in minutes.

Who pulls the trigger?

The remote gun will not autonomously shoot anyone. The gun is controlled either from a control center or from the user's cellphone. Either way, there is a human who decides when to shoot.

What weapon is being used?

A standard 0.68 caliber paintball gun with solid nylon bullets or pepper balls. This weapon is frequently used in security in South Africa and internationally where non-lethal force should be used.

What is the range of the weapon?

This depends on many factors such as temperature, wind and others. The weapon can reliably shoot 25m (75ft). This makes the weapon very effective indoors as it will cover 2000m2. On perimeter defence the weapon will cover 25m in each direction, so 50m of perimeter.

Is it legal in South Africa?

Yes. A firearms licence is not required for this weapon in South Africa. The gun can only be fired at a threat, shooting for any other reason may be assault.


Learn about Remote Guns / FAQ